Make a secure tax-deductible donation

Since its beginning in 1974, TROT has never turned away an applicant because of their inability to pay for services. However, one of our biggest ongoing challenges is to maintain funds sufficient to meet the ever-increasing needs of our rider families.

Make a Donation Online

If you would like to make a personal or corporate tax-deductible contribution, please click on the Donate Now Button.

If You Prefer Not To Donate Online

You can make a personal or corporate tax-deductible contribution by mailing checks to:

Therapeutic Riding of Tucson
8920 E. Woodland Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85749

Or you can call:


Donate to Therapeutic Riding of Tucson

The Arizona Charitable Tax Credit allows taxpayers to make a charitable contribution to an eligible nonprofit and receive a dollar-for- dollar tax credit against their AZ state taxes. You can take advantage of this credit to help those most in need in our community, and it won’t even cost you a penny.

Monthly Strides, Lasting Impact: Join TROT’s Hooves of Hope Club!

Join the Hooves of Hope Monthly Giving Club and make a lasting impact month after month!

Amazon Wish List
Amazon Wish List

Other Ways to Support

Wear TROT Merchandise


Donate used tack and property items

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind donations help TROT access needed goods and services for our office, programs, barn, and property. This allows TROT to spend more on the things that matter. Be sure to start a “TROT pile” of your gently used items that we might be able to use here at TROT. Shovels, Rakes, wheelbarrows, you name it, we can probably use it.

Office Needs:

Copy Paper
Household Cleaners
Paper Towels
Septic-safe Toilet Paper

Program Needs:

Soccer or Volley Balls
New Pool Noodles

Barn/Property Needs:

House Brooms
Fly Spray *Specific*

Sponsor an event!

There are many opportunities throughout the year to be a partner of TROT. Event sponsorships are a great way for your business to make a meaningful impact in the community by helping TROT achieve our fundraising goals. Our events would not be possible without the amazing support of the local businesses who donate valuable products, services, and most important, their time.

Sponsor A Horse

Our horse sponsorship program gives you the opportunity to support TROT in a very special way. When you sponsor one of our horses, your generosity will directly and positively contribute to the care of TROT’s most precious inhabitants.

  • Become the Best Buddy a horse of your choice with a 100% tax deductible donation of $1,000.

  • Your name will be displayed on a stall plaque on your sponsored horse’s stall.

  • You will be recognized in the fall edition of HoofPrints, TROT’s bi-annual newsletter.

  • You will receive Best Buddy notes and updates from your Best Buddy throughout the year.

  • Know that you have helped provide the best care for one of TROT’s equine partners…priceless.

Legacy Society

With a Planned Gift to TROT through your will or estate, exemplifies your core values and ensures that your commitment to making a difference in the lives of children, adults, and veterans living with disabilities, will continue beyond your lifetime. Your planned gift not only provides a substantial tax benefit to you, but it will significantly impact the present and future of TROT.

If you would like more information or are interested in leaving your legacy with TROT, please call our office at (520) 749-2360.