Why horses?
Horses can be an emotional mirror for humans. They respond to the feelings we show. They are gentle and trustworthy and respond in kindness when treated the same. Horses enhance our riders’ lives through their movement.
For children with physical challenges, horses provide a movement experience that is unparalleled in other therapies. A child who utilizes a wheelchair for mobility experiences newly found freedom of movement on a walking horse. This increased self-confidence, balance and posture often translates to activities at school, in the home or on the playground.
TROT’s horse partners are selected for their exceptional temperament, good health, soundness and smooth gaits and are carefully matched to the needs of the rider, helping propel with a variety of psychological issues as well as physical injuries and disabilities. The horse provides ample opportunities for the client to experience movement and sensory input, and that combination can produce powerful results in improved physical, mental, social and emotional well-being.
The horse moves in a rhythmic, symmetrical, and organized way. Each step the horse takes provides strong sensory and physical input in many dimensions including up and down, side to side, and back and forth. By asking for variations in these movements the therapist or instructor gains results that cannot be achieved by a machine or duplicated in a clinic setting.









Prince Julian





Sir Lawrence


TROT's Best Buddy program gives you the opportunity to support TROT in a very special way. When you sponsor one of our horses, your generosity will directly and positively contribute to the care of TROT's most precious inhabitants.

Sponsor the horse of your choice! There are 17 loveable, unique horses that would love to have you as a sponsor!
Become the Best Buddy of one of our horses with a 100% tax deductible donation of $1,000
Your name will be displayed on a stall plaque on your Best Buddy's stall
You will receive notes from your Best Buddy, gifts and updates from the barn throughout the year
Know that you have helped provide the best care for one of TROT's equine partners...priceless!
Please consider being a best buddy and help change lives, one stride at a time!
Could your horse be a TROT horse?
It takes a very special horse to make it into our programs. Our horses are hard-working with personality traits that make them great at what they do! Having a talented and well-rounded herd is the backbone of our programs. Our horses come in all shapes and sizes in order to accommodate our riders…who also come in all shapes and sizes.
If you think your horse could be a fit for our programs, complete and submit the Horse Questionnaire Form down below!